5 Easy Ways of Getting to Know Me

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This is the first time that I am sharing easy ways of getting to know me. As we head into a new year, I think about all of the things I have accomplished. I also thought about how this is a great time to get to know myself a little better.

I had a natural birth at a birth center with no medical intervention. I'm living in covid-19. Figuring out how to work full-time with an infant and puppy with practically no help from others.

While that has been amazing in itself, there are so many other things about me that are amazing as well.

This post is about getting to know me.

Could you get to Know Me, Today?

If you haven't noticed by now, the blog has changed to be more personal and resourceful. I wanted to start by sharing things about me that you may not have known.

It's hard for me to share aspects of myself because I'm shy, which is strange. I love to talk and share things with people. It's been a lifelong battle of mine. Over the years, I have improved, but over the last couple of years, I've worked on improving because I love people.

I decided that the best way to break the ice for me is to do it. I wanted to share with you five fun things you didn't know about me but should as we head into the new year. If you need help with balancing mom life and self-care, you can check out my blog post where I talk about my mom self-care journey.

getting to know me

I'm a Millennial 

Being a Millennial has always been a significant milestone because it's almost like the halfway mark of life. I know I shouldn't think of it that way, but that is how I view it.

For a long time, I always thought about what I would be doing at 35, where I would live, and who I would be, and I must say that it's very different than what I imagined, but that's how it always is.

I'm proud of everything I have done leading up to my 35th birthday, and I can't wait to see what the next 35 years will be like. I know I will have the hubs, Noah and Cooper to share in the memories, and I couldn't ask for anything more.

I'm not too fond of beans and corn.

I don't know what it is about beans and corn, but I'm not too fond of them. Wouldn't say I like the texture, I don't particularly appreciate how it tastes, and it's been like that since I was little.

I had southern grandparents, so I had to eat them when my sister and I were over at their house, but that doesn't mean I enjoyed it.

I always told myself that I would like Noah to try corn and beans, and if he didn't like them, I wouldn't force him to eat those foods. There are other ways to get the fiber and nutrients from that food from over veggies that are way yummier.

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I'm 5'1

I love being a petite woman. I'm the shortest among all my friends and adult family members, and it's never been a problem.

It's never messed with my confidence or made me feel like I couldn't show up in certain rooms because of it. I've always known that because my family is shorties by nature that it is what it is.

I will say that fashions for Petites like me are interesting. It's either too long, extensive, or doesn't fit right, so learning what suits my body is an everyday thing, especially now that I've had Noah. Still, I enjoy the process, which gives variation in my space.

My favorite movie is Coming to America.

“She's your QUUUUEEENN to BEEEEE” I love this movie!
The fashions, dancing, pomp, and circumstance are everything.

I use to watch this movie every day. It's a feel-good movie that celebrates the best of blackness and our rich culture, and it's funny.

I saw Coming to America 2 and I still prefer the first one more but both to me were still great movies. You can buy both movies by clicking here.

I'm an introverted person with extroverted tendencies.

Naturally, I'm a timid person. Over the years, I have worked on it, but it's still something that I struggle with, and the pandemic didn't make it any better.

Around people I know, like, and trust, I'm a chatterbox and the most relaxed, the most chill, illest person you will ever know. But outside of that, I'm shy.

My hubs are the opposite of me and are social butterflies in any situation. It's something that I admire about the hubs to the point where I've tried to study it.

He has helped me over the years because he noticed how bad it could get, and I will say that it's called better, somewhat.


Whoop, there it is; now you Know Me.

So there you have it. I thought five amazing things about me would be great to start the new year. It feels good being able to share this much of myself, knowing that this will help someone.

I think I'm becoming more open because of my son, Noah. After giving birth, it changes you for the better.

Sometimes you need a significant life event like that to help you see how awesome you are. If you want to read about my first year as a new mom, you can read my blog post mom postpartum.

And who doesn't like getting to know new people? I love learning about people. To me, we are some fascinating and exciting creatures.

I love the woman I am becoming. Which is the first step in the next phase of my life and another. I am also another step further in me coming out of my shell. Sharing with you some of my favorite parts of myself.

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This post was about getting to know me.

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  • Ebonee Debrah
    December 27, 2020

    I am 37, 5’2, and absolutely love beans and corn. I am extremely introverted naturally and have always been that way, I have to force myself outside of my comfort zone. My favorite movie is Set It Off. This post was fun to read, April. I might have to do a five facts about me post, too.

    • April Knight-Copeland
      December 27, 2020

      Yes, do it. I would love to read it 🙂 I love Set It Off; that is a classic! I didn’t realize that we have so much in common, but I think I kind of already knew 😉