Where to Find the Best Bridal Shower Templates this Month

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I cannot wait to share this sponsored post with you! When Basic Invite asked me to share their bridal shower templates, I was excited because I knew you would love them! When I got married on August 18, 2018, I wished I had known about these bridal shower templates by Basic Invite. 

If you didn't know, August is the fifth most popular month for weddings, and it's for a good reason. Between the weather being great across the country (USA), schools, for the most part, still out of session, and the ease of travel. August will always have a special place for me when it comes to weddings.

There is so much that goes into planning a wedding. From the guest list to the critical day details, having an easy-to-use bridal shower invitation template would have made wedding planning much more manageable.

I spent the best of 11 months I had for wedding planning, trying to find out what bridal shower theme I wanted to go with. I wanted to ensure I had a lot of control over the process. This post is an excellent way of getting to know me. But nowadays, having your closest friends take care of the essential details is best.

If you didn't know, Basic Invite has simple bridal shower invitations. That includes a range of floral bridal shower invitations that the most feminine of brides can use. They also have customizable bridal shower templates. So you can include your wedding colors and make the invitation process feel cohesive, which is essential.

This post is about bridal shower templates.

bridal shower templates

Wedding Invitations Ideas

Getting married is an exciting time. With everyone being so busy, using invitations for every occasion makes planning any event special. There are bachelorette party invitations, rustic bridal shower invitations, and anything you need for your upcoming wedding.

I went the custom route but still used an editable template that I later printed on high-quality paper for me to mail to my guests.

When you are in the early stages of defining your wedding invitations, one of the elements you think about is the color palette. Not everything pairs well with specific colors, so getting that mapped out will be essential to the rest of the invitation process.

Also, as a pro tip, make sure to consult a close friend about what you want. While I was able to manage most of the planning process, a lot of brides couldn't. So keep that in mind when it comes to planning.

You also want to include a personal photo on your invitations. This is why picking a great template from the beginning sets the tone for the rest of the wedding planning process.

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Bridal Shower Planning

The first step of planning a wedding after getting all the relevant information out of the way is shower planning. You want to find the perfect invitation that will go along with your theme be also go along with the wedding in general.

Finding a one-stop shop for all your card designs will make the process less stressful and fun. If you are like me and want the wedding shower invitations and the bridal shower invitations to be similar, finding bridal shower templates that allow you the most flexibility will be essential.

The right invitation sets the tone of the wedding. Your guest will appreciate a good theme. For my wedding, my wedding colors were blue and pink. I ensured the bridal shower theme included those colors as well. Most of the time, the bridal shower guests are also wedding guests. So themed invitations will be ideal for any bride.

Typically the bridal shower invites are managed and executed by the maid of honor or matron of honor, so your contact information, registry information, and the guest of honor information must be on there.

Make sure your whole bridal party is aware of rsvp details and plenty of room to add special instructions for the guest, like social media links and hashtags that are wedding related.

Basic Invite's simple bridal shower invitations will allow you to include RSVP information. Still, also they have beautiful invites that will enable you to customize the invitation design to your liking.

Bridal Shower Invitations Templates

When it comes to having the perfect bridal shower, you want to make sure you have great bridal shower templates. Since I wanted to go the unique bridal shower invitations route, one thing I was mindful of was how much time it would take to get the invitations to me for approval and printing.

Most invitations ship during regular business days. If you are interested in adding custom foil to your invitations or using particular card types, you also want to consider that with your wedding stationery.

Wedding plans can change. So before you print out your date cards, you have solidified the crucial details before you begin document printing. Also, think about an option of doing same-day pickup.

In 2018, having a virtual bridal shower would have been out of the question. But it's more common and acceptable now. I even did it when I had my baby shower in October 2019. To this day, it is still one of my favorite designs for my events. You can click here to read all amount my mom postpartum journey.

Right now, Basic Invite is offering 15% off with coupon code: 15FF51, which is good until the end of August. Even if you have a wedding that is a year from now, make sure to take advantage of this because it won't last long.

This post was about bridal shower templates.

Learn more about Basic Invite:

Almost Unlimited Colors- Basic Invite is one of the few websites allowing customers unlimited color options with instant previews online. Once they select a design, customers can change the color of each element on the card. With over 180 colors to choose from, the invite will be precisely how they want it. This is what sets us apart from almost any other online stationery company.

Custom Samples- Basic Invite is one of the few websites that allows customers to order a printed sample of their actual invitation before they place their final order. They can see the paper quality and how it will print and make sure the card is perfect. 

Over 40 Different Colors of Envelopes- Basic Invite has over 40 envelope colors to choose from. With so many options, customers can make their envelope match the invitation. All the envelopes are peeled and sealed so they can be closed quickly and securely.

Address Capturing Service- Basic Invite offers an address capturing service that allows customers to share a link on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other social media to request their friend's and family’s addresses. The addresses are stored in the customer’s account and can be selected during the design process. Basic Invite offers recipient address printing at no cost on all card orders.

Foil- Foil cards are available in gold, silver, and rose gold. Customers can choose flat or raised foil on all Basic Invite’s foil designs.

Social Media Links: @basicinvite





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  • Emily
    August 17, 2022

    Hi! I’m coming over from Michelle Gardner’s FB page. I loved this post bc I love all things wedding. I’m not quite there yet to being married since I’m still looking for a bf…BUT have been dreaming about a wedding since I learned about them. Your blog is awesome, can’t wait to read more!

    • April Knight-Copeland
      August 21, 2022

      Thank you so much! Appreciate it and don’t worry, your dream wedding will happen 🙂