5 Ways To Overcome the Holiday Blues

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Everyone in some form is experiencing the holiday blues. I feel like this year, it's different for me than in the past. This year is my first Christmas as a new mom, and I am so excited. I can't wait to wake up on Christmas day and make a big deal about the toys we have gotten both Noah and Cooper. 

Both of them are such good boys, and I'm super blessed to be their mommy. My husband and I prayed for this life that we have and never take it for granted, especially now during Christmas time. 

Early this year, we experienced a family death, and even though it wasn't related to covid-19, it was still hard on our family because this was a close relative. We had plans for Noah and this relative to meet, and weeks later, they were gone. 

Holiday Blues are Tricky little things.

I know that the holidays can bring on depression, intense emotion, and the blues because this is when you start to compare what you see others get for their children or family, and you may not be able to do that can be a trying time. 

Christmas also brings out sadness because it's the only time of the year that everyone in the family can gather for a long time, and when you are not able to seem due to a death, it can be up trama.

Over the years, I have come up with sure-fire ways of combatting the holiday blues in a way that leaves you feeling fulfilled, never feeling like you are cheating yourself out of your feelings, and allow you to be in a safe space for the whole season. 


When the holidays come around, everyone feels like they have to be happy, and sometimes that is not the case. Sometimes you have to tell yourself that you are not going to be satisfied and that is ok. There are things you can do so that you don't dwell in the sadness, which include:

  • Planning a trip either solo, with family or friends
  • Celebrate the loved one that is lost
  • Taking a few wellness days off work 

Acknowledgment is a form of self-care, and by doing this, you free yourself from feeling like you have to be something you aren't and realize you can be present in your current space. 

Preparation For the Holiday Blues

You know what your triggers are, so getting ahead of them is another excellent way of managing the madness. 

My favorite way to do this is this, especially because some of my family members who are no longer earthside have birthdays around the holidays to block out time in that day to have 20 mins of peace.

It allows me to clear my mind of anything that may cause me to break down or get crazy with others. 

Happy Holidays and I hope you can find the enjoy and spend it with the ones you love. Holiday blues


Releasing isn't just letting go. It's more about healing. After something happens over time, the sting of it is not as sharp even if the memory remands. The older we get, the more we can categorize our feelings and emotions. 

Usually, taking family trips allows me to regroup and recharge to have the energy to treat and productively continue with my life. With covid-19, I've had to get creative with doing this, and it allowed me to find peace in my surroundings.


You are not alone. I find talking to people about their holiday plans or chatting with friends is the best way to stay sane and keep my spirits high. 

If interacting with people is not the move this time of year, you can constantly interact with other activities that are more solo. I love cooking, eating, and trying new foods. 

Of course, you shouldn't binge. 

That's not healthy, but doing a cooking class or even having a private chef come to your home (safely) is another excellent way of having healthy interactions. 


Love is the answer. Know you are loved and if you are love. 

Self-care is a great form of love, and I make sure to practice it as much as possible. 

  1. Spa Day
  2. Solo Hotel Dates
  3. Having someone clean my house
  4. Sending Noah and Cooper off
  5. Take a week off every quarter.

I make sure to implement these as much as possible.  

Now that Noah is here and his birthday is at the top of the year, I make sure to take off weeks right after Christmas and the new year to soak as much time with him as possible. 

If you couldn't tell but the iterations, I gifted you a little bit of A.P.R.I.L this season. I hope you can enjoy the holidays regardless of your life circumstances. 

The holiday blues can be a trying time and because the holidays span a few months. But knowing what to do during the holidays should allow you to get through them the best way possible. 

Know that the new year is upon us and that you will get a chance to “restart.” Use this time to plan for the new year and get the ground running. 

I always use this time of the year for reflection and grace. I'm doing my best, and I know that next year I know that I will continue to grow and grow.

What do you implement to help you get through the holidays? Let your tips and techniques below. 

Happy Holidays and I hope you can find the enjoy and spend it with the ones you love. 

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